Grace is a Product Designer,
XR Prototyper, and 3D Artist.

Currently Studying @Parsons School of Design
Your room has flooded! Build a raft with your furniture and explore your room in an unexpected way. 
  • MR Development
  • Collaboration
What can we do about the overwhelming amount of art supplies left each year?
  • UI UX
  • Self-Initated
  • Collaboration
How do you maintain and check the insights of multiple parking garages in the palm of your hand?
  • UI UX
  • Design Exercise
What does a jaw haptic that allows you to bite into virtual objects look like?
  • MIT RH'23 Winner
  • Collaboration
Take a peek at all my other projects, including 3D Graphics, Game Design, and XR prototypes!
  • 3D Modeling
  • VR Prototyping